The Chemo Suite entrance is located down the left side of the hospital, past the maternity unit and before the old Bostonian entrance. There are posters signposting the way
You will need to press the buzzer to gain entry. A member of staff will greet you and they will then take you to the reception desk, where you will be booked in and then be guided on where to go.
In the chemo suite, there are two rooms that are used for the administration of chemotherapy. Depending on the time of your appointment, you may get to choose where you sit. You may even get a window seat!
The first visit can be daunting but try not to worry too much, as the chemotherapy staff are always about and will explain everything to you, your next visit tends to be less scary.
Try and make yourself comfy. You will have a small table by the side of your chair that you can put your belongings on.
There is a large disabled toilet located in each room, so no need to worry!
On your first visit, you may have to have a talk about your treatment by one of the chemotherapy nurses, if not done so already
If you are to have a cannula, (this will be placed in the back of your hand) you will be offered a warmed up bean bag to place on the back of your hand. This is to encourage your veins to show up
If you have a PICC line or portacath, this will be cleaned, dressed and accessed.
The nurses will ask you some questions, this is to see how you are doing and to get a base line of what you are managing to do.
There are volunteers that work in the chemo suite. They are there to have a chat with and they will offer you refreshments throughout the day. This can be hot/cold drinks and biscuits.
- Depending on the time and length of your appointment, a cold lunch of sandwiches is offered.
- You are more than welcome to bring your own drinks and snacks with you if you would prefer.
- Ginger biscuits are great for if you are feeling nauseous. Some people find ginger sweets and tea are also good.
- Boiled sweets are good if you have a dry mouth
- Some patients have brought their own fruit/green tea bags with them
- Having chemotherapy can sometimes take a long while and unfortunately, you would not be allowed to have someone with you. You may want to bring some things with you to keep you occupied.
- You can bring your mobile phone to keep in touch
- You could also bring a book, colouring book or puzzle book.
- You could also bring in your ipad/tablet to watch something on, but remember to bring some headphones!
- You can always talk to other patients who are having their treatment, as sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone else who is going through chemotherapy and share experiences
If you have any problems after having your chemotherapy or you feel unwell, please do not hesitate to contact the chemo suite. If you have any questions, please do ask a member of staff.