If you or someone you care for need additional help in the home, our local support offers can help you find the right support you need. 

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Age UK

Age UK offers and a wide range of support and many services for people over 50 years of age and their families. 

We can offer free information and advice and have a selction of competitively priced paid for services including; help in the home, personal care, lifestyle services, insurance and more. We have an activity centre and eatery in Lincoln where friends old and new are able to gather, participate in activities and groups and enjoy home cooked food.


Get Meals at Home

If you are finding it difficult to prepare, cook or eat meals, we have a range of solutions in Lincolnshire to help you.

Pre-made frozen meals are available from local companies such as:

Other local services can help you with meal preperation including loan of equipment for cooking or heating food, and getting food delivered to your door. Visit the Lincolnshire County Council site Get Meals at Home to see what support is available to you.

Oakhouse Foods
How to get started with Wiltshire Farm Foods

Lincolnshire County Council Adult Care

Lincolnshire County Council can offer you social care support to help you live independently. Visit Lincolnshire County Council Adult Social Care to find out more and to make a referral. 

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The Wellbeing Service

The Wellbeing Service is funded by the Lincolnshire County Council and offers support for adults across Lincolnshire to achieve confident, fulfilled and independent living. They can offer you advice and guidance and where needed install equipment, aids and adaptations.